Tuesday, December 9, 2008

hello ivanhoe! here are some cheers that we can use! they are not original though, feel free to comment about whether we should use them((:

i say "brrr", its cold in here
i say we must need some fire in the atmosphere
i say "brrr", its cold in here
i say we must need some IVANHOE in the atmosphere
(repeat a million times)

yupp, this is adapted from the clover's cheer in Bring it On((:

we've got the fever, its hot and it can't be stopped
we've got the fire, its hot and it can't be stopped
we've got the front ooh, back ahh, side ooh ahh
ivanhoe ivanhoe, we set you on fire ah!

this is the cheer igor used in orientation this year((:

okok. comment please!

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